Stew’s  MUSIC

Below you can listen to a wide variety of music I have created. The range of genres is wide. There are recordings of my early folk songs, some spur of the moment adlibs, some flamenco, some atempts at jazz and some of my more recent compositions using my various electronic instruments. Some pieces are immediately played a second time, some more than once, to allow you to sit back and enjoy the atmosphere. I make no claim as to the quality of the musicianship here. I am an amateur who enjoys making and listening to these pieces – with all the extant flaws. I hope you find some of them interesting or likeable.

I would appreciate serious feedback/criticism. My hearing has degraded over the years, so I need to hear back (no pun intended) from you if things are not sounding right – out of balance or any other problems, or even if you don’t like something. There is a contact page on this site (see top menu.)